Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Lord of the rings, the fellowship! Lord of the Rings Nail Art!

To go with my Frodo Baggins Costume at this years London Comic Con I created a new set of LOTR nails. These were inspired by the Fellowship of the Ring film in particular the posters depicting the fellowship in silhouette.

Colours needed 

- gold
- black 
- green 
- yellow
- red
- orange

Thumb and little finger -  The One Ring (see past LOTR blogs for the full hand design of the one ring)

- 1 or 2 coats of gold varnish
- using a picture online copy sections of the elvish script onto each nail using a striper tool, if you work quickly and with new varnish if you make a mistake you will be able to quickly lift the design off rather than start over 

Index and Ring finger - The Fellowship 

- 1 or 2 coats of green varnish 
- choose your two favourite characters from the fellowship - mine were Boramir and Gandalf so I tried to outline their silhouettes
- I used a pin dipped in black varnish to draw these more intricate designs on (Sorry that in the picture I had not cleaned all the excess off my fingers)

Middle finger - The eye of Sauron 

- 1 coat of yellow this does not have to be perfect as you will mainly cover the yellow with other colours 
- using the striper create the elongated pupil of Sauron's eye, let this dry before you add the other colours 
- cut a small piece of a fine sponge - for example a make-up sponge and using tweezers dip the sponge in turns into red, orange, yellow and black varnish to create the fire effect of his iris. You will not need to use very much polish so I would recommend dropping 1 or 2 drops of each colour onto a piece of plastic and dipping the sponge into the drops to lightly dab onto the nail 

For my Comic Con costume I had one hand with this design and one with fire and gold, just like the ones in my Desolation of Smaug tutorial, except this time they represented the fires of Mount Doom. 

Do not forget to finish each design with a final coat of top coat once they are all dry to protect your designs.  

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Harry Potter Quidditch Nail Art

Another Harry Potter design for you all. I've found a really good new nail varnish, sold by Superdrug, its their own brand called B. The range is lovely, in particular the base for this design, colour 180 Midnight, its a rich slightly glittery dark blue, and I used it on top of a base coat as the back ground colour.

So for the design they are based around elements of Quidditch.
On the little finger I have a deep red "Quaffle" ball, simply added to the nail with a dotting tool.
Next I have a Gryffindor flag, like the ones on top of the stands in the HP films, simply made with a very thing brush in brown for the pole, and then in red and yellow that tappers out towards the points of the flag.
Middle finger is the snitch, simply a dot of gold using a dotting tool, then using either a thin brush or a pointed nail art tool create the shape of the wings either side.
Next I have the goal hope, thin brush or pointed tool again to draw three lines of varying lengths and then the circles on top.
Thumb is a simple lightning bolt, I layered a matt gold paint with a glittery gold to add a little extra shine.

All over each nail I used the end of a sharpened pencil dipped in silver varnish to add little dots of varying sizes, just to add a slightly wintery effect, obviously you could do these designs on a light blue background in summery months. Hope you liked this design, keep an eye out for more in the near future. Thank you for reading.